Protein-metal interactions determine and regulate many biological functions. Nanopipettes functionalized with peptide moieties can be used as sensors for metal ions in solution.
We present a fully planar integrated optical approach to single-molecule detection based on microfabricated planar networks of intersecting solid and liquid-core waveguides. We study fluorescence from dye molecules in liquid-core antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides, and demonstrate subpicoliter excitation volumes, parallel excitation through...
L-amino acids and D-carbohydrates were incorporated into the first forms of life over 3.5 billion years ago, presumably from racemic mixtures of organic solutes produced by abiotic synthetic pathways. The process by which this choice occurred has not been established, but a consensus view is that it was a chance event, such that life could equally ...
The flux of amino acids and other nutrient solutes such as phosphate across lipid bilayers (liposomes) is 10(5) slower than facilitated inward transport across biological membranes. This suggest that primitive cells lacking highly evolved transport systems would have difficulty transporting sufficient nutrients for cell growth to occur. There are t...
The contraction or decrease in area of fatty acid monolayers maintained at a constant surface pressure of 16 dynes/cm was studied as a function of fatty acid chain length, unsaturation, temperature, and the hydrogen ion concentration in the subphase. The data were consistent with the hypothesis that fatty acid solution from the monolayer into the s...
Proton translocation is important in membrane-mediated processes such as ATP-dependent proton pumps, ATP synthesis, bacteriorhodopsin, and cytochrome oxidase function. The fundamental mechanism, however, is poorly understood. To test the theoretical possibility that bundles of hydrophobic alpha-helices could provide a low energy pathway for ion tra...
Addition of Triton X-100 to chloroplast suspensions to a final concentration of 100-200 microM causes an approximate tripling of chloroplast volume and complete inhibition of light-induced conformational changes, light-dependent hydrogen ion transport, and photophosphorylation. Electron microscopic studies show that chloroplasts treated in this man...