Gillies, Rj David Deamer
Published in
Journal of Cellular Physiology
The equilibrium distribution of 5,5-dimethyloxazoladine 2,4-dione (DMO) between intra- and extracellular volume was used to estimate intracellular pH (pHi) in Tetrahymena pyiformis. In control experiments, DMO was found to equilibrate rapidly in response to a pH gradient. Under normal growth conditions, pHi was constant over a finite range of exter...
Gillies, Rj Rosenberg, Mp David Deamer
Published in
Journal of Cellular Physiology
"Fertilization acid" is released from sea urchin eggs upon fertilization and decreases the pH of the surrounding seawater. In bicarbonate-free artificial seawater flushed with nitrogen gas, the pH shift still occurs but returns to the original value in a few minutes, suggesting that the released acid volatile. A likely candidate for a volatile acid...
Gillies, Rj David Deamer
Published in
Journal of Cellular Physiology
Media concentration of total soluble CO2 increases with culture age of Tetrahymena pyriformis. CO2 is a weak acid and is capable of acidifying intracellular pH (pHi). Changes in pHi have been demonstrated to affect cell metabolism and growth in many systems. For these reasons, we investigated whether the concentrations of CO2 produced in vitro were...